Typically on bagless models they should be dumped every 3 to 4 months and if applicable the filters be changed every 4 to 6 months. On bagged models it is typically recommended that the bags be changed typically once or twice a year; check the bags monthly if it feels more than half full it may be time to change the bag.
Yes, with as much as 5 times the power of a normal vacuum, combined with superior agitation from the powerhead and the ability to be vented outside, a central vacuum is a true clean experience. Improving indoor air quality by 20% or more over traditional vacuums, eliminating odors, toxins, allergens and pathogens by exhausting them outside the home.
We recommend annual maintenance by having a technician come out and check for air leaks, check the filters, bags, suction power and overall system health
In most cases no, however there are exceptions to this. Some systems can be setup to pick up water, or you can use a water separator at the end of your suction hose to pick up wet matter. If you do not have a separator or have a system that is designed to handle wet material, avoid picking up wet material with your central vacuum.
In most cases the answer to this is no. The hoses used on central vacuums are the same outer diameter as a normal vacuum cleaner designed to pick up only fine debris in the carpet or floors and keep large debris out of the system preventing clogs or buildup. Rule of thumb if you wouldn't pick it up with a normal vacuum, you shouldn't pick it up with a central vacuum.
In most small retrofit jobs a typical installation takes about a day, larger installs in larger homes may take up to a week; all depends on the number of inlets and accessories being installed.